Thursday, 8 October 2015

How to Start Up with Test Automation Using Selenium Web Driver????

When i thought of migrating from Manual/Functional Testing to Selenium Automation some years back, first thought came in my mind is How to Start? From where to start? 

Confused!!!!!!!! got lot of suggestions learn c-sharp,java,ruby,python.....

Finally i started up with learning of Core Java Concepts and finalized to learn Test Automation using Selenium Web Driver with Core Java.

Many people(without having coding knowledge) like me think Java is so tough to learn. Yes that's true initially but when you start exploring and practicing the same you will feel much more comfort and will definitely love Programming!

Here i would like to create a blog for Automation Aspirants who can easily start up with learning.

In this post i will post the Main concepts to learn in Java and will expand the concepts in detail with Examples.

Basic Core Java Concepts:

  1. What is Java and its history with Sample first "Hello World Program".
  2. Naming conventions in Java
  3. keywords in Java
  4. OOPS Concepts and Advantages
  5. Object and Class.
  6. Datatypes
  7. Conditional Statements
  8. Looping.
  9. Arrays.
  10. Static Variables and Methods
  11. Constructors.
  12. Inheritance.
  13. Polymorphism (Overloading and Overriding).
  14. Interface
  15. Abstract class
  16. super,this and final keywords.
  17. Exception Handling

These are the basic things we should know before stepping into Automation and there are some Advanced java concepts which i would like to cover after covering these Basic Concepts.

Cheers & Happy Learning,

Navatha Kannadi

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Keywords in Java

Keywords are reserved words in java which act as a key to code and has the intent of its own use. Rules for Keywords:  Keywords should ...